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Hours of Service Violations Impact on Truck Accident Claims

 Posted on May 17, 2024 in Truck Accidents

IL injury lawyerBeing a commercial truck driver is a tough job. You need to safely handle an enormous vehicle on sometimes unsafe roads. Because trucks are so powerful, mistakes by the driver can have dire consequences. That is why certain state and federal regulations dictate various aspects of truck driving.

One example of a traffic rule that applies to truck drivers and not regular car drivers refers to the driver’s hours of service. Essentially, it places a time limit on how long a driver is legally permitted to drive consecutively without taking a break. The reason for this rule is to ensure that people who drive trucks are awake and aware enough to handle them safely so they can avoid getting into accidents. This article will offer some background information about these rules. If you think an hours of service violation was involved in your truck accident, speak with a skilled Orland Park, IL personal injury lawyer to find out how to proceed.

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How Might My Life Be Affected by a Legal Conviction?

 Posted on April 23, 2024 in Criminal Law

IL defense lawyerIf you are convicted of a crime, you are generally compelled to pay fines and serve some sort of sentence before you can rejoin society. While you might think that completing your sentence means you have paid your price, the truth is that a conviction can have lasting implications and a criminal record can haunt you throughout your life. If you are accused of a crime and facing criminal charges, a skilled Illinois criminal defense lawyer can fight for your rights and build a strong defense for you.

What Aspects Can a Criminal Conviction Affect?

  • Access to education: You might be required to disclose your criminal background. This information can influence decisions about admissions and financial aid approval.
  • Employment opportunities: Background checks are sometimes part of the hiring process, and potential employers might be hesitant to hire a job candidate who has a criminal record.

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The Crime of Manufacturing Meth in Illinois

 Posted on March 13, 2024 in Criminal Law

Orland Park, IL criminal defense lawyerIn Illinois, the manufacturing of methamphetamine, a substance also known more simply as meth, is a serious crime that carries severe penalties for those convicted. If you are facing criminal charges related to the manufacturing of meth, an aggressive attorney can help you fight the charges and work hard for a favorable case outcome.

Manufacturing Meth in Illinois

According to the law in Illinois, manufacturing methamphetamine in Illinois involves the production, creation, or synthesis of the illegal drug. This includes any step in the process of making meth, such as obtaining the required chemicals, mixing ingredients, and producing the final product. Even possessing equipment or chemicals used in the manufacturing process can lead to charges of manufacturing methamphetamine.

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Is Assault Always a Physical Act in Illinois?

 Posted on February 21, 2024 in Criminal Law

Orland Park assault defense lawyerAssault in Illinois is not always a physical act. In legal terms, assault refers to an intentional act by one person that causes another person to fear they are about to become the victim of a battery. While assault is often associated with physical violence, it can also include threats of harm or other actions that create a reasonable fear of harm. If you are facing charges related to assault, it is strongly advised you retain the services of an experienced lawyer. Your attorney will weigh the evidence and facts of the case as they use their knowledge and experience to gauge the charges against you and develop an adequate legal defense.

The Law Regarding Assault 

According to Illinois law, assault is defined as an act that places someone else in reasonable fear that they are at risk of receiving a battery or physical harm. This means that a person can be charged with assault even if they do not actually make physical contact with the person. For example, if someone threatens to harm another person in a way that causes them to fear for their safety, that could be considered assault under Illinois law

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What to Know About Reckless Firearm Discharge in Illinois

 Posted on January 19, 2024 in Gun Safety

 Orland Park reckless firearm discharge lawyerReckless firearm discharge is a serious weapons charge in Illinois that can bring about serious consequences for those convicted. Understanding the laws surrounding the reckless discharge of a firearm is essential if you are facing charges, as your legal situation may be graver than you may realize. If you stand accused of recklessly discharging a firearm and are wondering what to do next, contact a criminal defense lawyer. They will be attuned to the laws in Illinois and how best to navigate your case to maximize the chance of a case outcome that favors you.

Definition and Elements of Reckless Firearm Discharge

Reckless firearm discharge refers to the act of discharging a firearm in a careless manner that poses a risk to the safety of others or their property. Under Illinois law, a person commits this offense if they knowingly discharge a firearm in a manner that endangers the bodily safety of another or causes property damage. The key elements include the actual firing of the weapon, the act being done recklessly, and the potential harm caused to others or their property. Furthermore, in situations where a passenger in a car fires a gun out the window, the driver will be responsible for the passengers’ actions if the driver had the knowledge or consented to illegal conduct.

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What is a Look-a-Like Substance in Illinois Criminal Law?

 Posted on December 21, 2023 in Criminal Law

Orland Park drug crimes defense lawyerIn Illinois criminal law, the concept of look-a-like substance plays a significant role in determining the legality of certain substances and the penalties associated with their possession, distribution, or manufacture. Look-a-like substances refer to substances that closely resemble controlled substances in appearance but may not necessarily have the same chemical composition or psychoactive effects. If you have been arrested on drug charges involving a look-a-like substance, contact a lawyer at your earliest convenience.

Definition of a Look-a-Like Substance

Under Illinois law, a look-a-like substance is defined as any substance that is not controlled but specifically designed, manufactured, packaged, or labeled to resemble a controlled substance. The resemblance must be such that it would cause a reasonable person to believe that the substance is controlled. This definition is crucial in distinguishing between illicit substances and those that may bear resemblance but are not illegal to possess or distribute.

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Understanding Illinois Calculated Cannabis Conspiracy

 Posted on November 17, 2023 in Marijuana Use

Orland Park Criminal Defense AttorneyIllinois has recently legalized the recreational use of cannabis, but that does not mean all activities related to cannabis are legal. One offense that individuals should be aware of is the laws regarding Illinois Calculated Cannabis Conspiracy. If you are facing such charges in Illinois, you should strongly consider hiring a high-powered criminal defense lawyer. These are very serious charges and must be treated as such. Hiring a legal professional such as a lawyer to represent you is imperative to defending your rights and freedom.

Definition of Calculated Cannabis Conspiracy

Calculated cannabis conspiracy refers to an agreement between two or more people to engage in the production, manufacture, delivery, or possession with the intent to deliver cannabis in a calculated manner. This offense targets people who collaborate to conduct large-scale or organized cannabis-related activities that go beyond the scope of legalized recreational use.

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Understanding the Criminal Act of Reckless Conduct

 Posted on October 19, 2023 in Criminal Law

Illinois Criminal LawyerIn the realm of criminal law, the concept of reckless conduct plays an important role in determining the guilt or innocence of a person. Reckless conduct is a serious offense that can have significant legal consequences for a person if they are convicted. If you are facing charges related to reckless conduct, hiring an attorney to represent and defend you against these charges is strongly recommended.

Elements of Reckless Conduct

To establish reckless conduct in Illinois, the prosecution must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  • Conscious disregard – The accused must have been aware of the risk their conduct posed to others. Mere negligence or inadvertence is not sufficient to establish reckless conduct.

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Is it Possible to Go to Prison for a Misdemeanor Conviction? 

 Posted on September 21, 2023 in Criminal Law

Illinois Criminal LawyerWhen it comes to criminal convictions, it is a common misconception that only felonies carry the possibility of imprisonment. However, in certain circumstances, people convicted of misdemeanors can indeed face incarceration. Many different factors are involved regarding whether a misdemeanor conviction will land someone in jail. If you are facing a criminal charge, whether a misdemeanor or felony, contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to ensure you have the legal guidance and protection necessary to fight the charges against you proactively.

Misdemeanor Classification

Illinois misdemeanors are generally considered less serious offenses compared to felonies, but they can still carry the risk of imprisonment. In Illinois, misdemeanors are categorized into different classes, such as Class A, Class B, or Class C, depending on the jurisdiction. Class A misdemeanors are typically the most serious. They can carry penalties of up to one year in jail. In contrast, Class B and Class C misdemeanors may have shorter maximum sentences or alternative punishments, such as fines, probation, or community service.

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Arrested Without Being Read Your Rights: Does it Automatically Dismiss Your Case? 

 Posted on August 17, 2023 in Criminal Law

Illinois Drug Crimes AttorneyOne of the most recognizable aspects of the criminal justice system is the reading of Miranda rights to individuals upon arrest. Failing to have your rights read can raise questions about the validity of your arrest. Today, we will explore whether the failure to read your Miranda rights automatically results in the dismissal of your case. If you are facing criminal charges, contact a defense attorney at once to ensure your rights can be protected moving forward.

Understanding Miranda Rights

Miranda rights, derived from the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, are constitutional safeguards designed to protect the rights of individuals detained or arrested by law enforcement. These rights include the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning. The arresting officer must inform suspects of these rights before proceeding with any interrogations to ensure a fair trial and avoid self-incrimination.

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