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Case Results
Under 21 DUI Suspension
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 07, 2025
Outcome: DUI Suspension Removed
Description: Client, 20 years old, was arrested and charged with DUI and possessing open alcohol and facing a one-year suspension of their driving privileges. On the second court date, after filing of strategic Mot ions, the Court lifted the Client's suspension as Client's Due Process were violated for not having a timely hearing regarding challenge of the suspension.
CDL DUI Not Guilty
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 03, 2025
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client, a CDL holder, was charged with both DUI and violation of the Concealed Carry Act when they were arrested for DUI while possessing a firearm. Client's matter proceeded to trial. At trial, succes sfully argued that the State failed to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Client was under the influence. The Court found Client not guilty of both the DUI charge and the Concealed Carry violation allowing Client to continue working as a truck driver.
Second Time DUI with .17 BAC
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Dec 13, 2024
Outcome: All Counts Dismissed
Description: Client was involved in a hit-and-run accident and was subsequently arrested and charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident and DUI after submitting to a breath test disclosing a .17 BAC. As this was Client's second DUI, Client was facing a revocation of his driving privileges. During the course of discovery, it was determined that police did not record certain dash camera video which was material in the case. After filing a Motion, the Court agreed that Client's rights were violated and dismissed all charges.
Statutory Summary Revocation
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Oct 04, 2024
Outcome: Type A Revocation Rescinded
Description: Client was served with notice that their driver's license would be revoked as a result of being involved in a DUI accident causing serious injuries to another driver after striking said individual head-on. After investigation, our office determined that the arresting officer made numerous errors in completing certain paperwork and our office asked the Court to dismiss the revocation as a result. In Client's first court appearance, the Court and prosecution agreed that the officer's errors violated Client's right and agreed to remove any revocation. As a result, Client did not miss any time driving.
DUI with Accident
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Sep 13, 2024
Outcome: DUI Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI after a witness observed Client in a single car accident. Client additionally submitted to and failed field sobriety tests. At trial, successfully argued that the Client's performance on the tests were satisfactory and any failure was technical in nature. The Court agreed and found Client not guilty.
Five Figure Truck Accident Settlement
Practice Area: Personal Injury
Date: Jul 25, 2024
Outcome: Truck Accident Settlement
Description: Client was operating their vehicle and attempted to change lanes on the highway. In doing so, a semi-tractor trailer stuck Client's vehicle. The truck driver claimed that our Client was at-fault for cutting them off. After intensive investigation and negotiations with the insurance company for the trucking company, theu agreed with our position that the trucker failed to give adequate space between vehicles. Our client obtained a high five figure settlement as a result of their injuries and medical care.
DUI with Open Alcohol
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jul 22, 2024
Outcome: DUI Not Guilty After Trial
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI, Illegal Transportation of Alcohol and various traffic violations based on the officer's beliefs that Client was impaired after certain sobriety tests. At trial, showed that the sobriety tests were faulty and that Client's driving ability was more than perfect despite the traffic violations committed. The Court agreed and found Client not guilty of DUI and of said traffic offenses.
CDL DUI Summary Suspension
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: June 25, 2024
Outcome: Suspension Removed
Description: Client, a CDL holder, was arrested and charged with DUI in a personal vehicle after refusing to submit to a breath test, resulting Client facing a one-year mandatory disqualification of their driving privileges. Our office immediately began work before his first court date. After certain requests were made and unfulfilled by the prosecution, the Court agree to remove the suspension one day before it was to take effect, allowing Client to continue to work.
DUI Suspension Lifted/DUI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: June 20, 2024
Outcome: Suspension Rescission/DUI Dismissal
Description: Client, a working professional with government occupational licenses, was arrested and charged with DUI after police pulled Client over for speeding and discovering open alcohol in the vehicle. Client also performed poorly in field sobriety tests. At Client's Summary Suspension hearing, was successful in persuading the Court that Client's poor performance was due to the weather conditions at the time. As a result, Client's suspension was rescinded and prosecutors agreed to dismiss the criminal charges of DUI, allowing Client to retain their professional licenses and continue working.
DUI Accident and Blood Draw
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: May 31, 2024
Outcome: DUI Blood/Accident Dismissal
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI of Alcohol after being involved in a multi-vehicle accident in Chicago and taken to a hospital with blood alcohol testing being performed, revealing a level several times higher than the legal limits. Client also admitted to being under the influence on video to Chicago police offices. After numerous strategic demands for trial, the Court ordered a dismissal of all charges as a result of numerous technical errors saving the Client from a license revocation and employment loss.
3 Year DUI License Suspension Lifted
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: May 03, 2024
Outcome: Suspension Rescinded
Description: Client, who has prior DUI in his history, retained our office after their first court date and after a three year license suspension started after a recent DUI arrest. In our first appearance, our office was able to have the suspension rescinded based on the failure of prosecutors to comply with our discovery requests, thereby allowing Client to obtained his driving privileges during the pendency of his new DUI charge.
Double Policy Limit Accident Settlement
Practice Area: Personal injury
Date: Apr 02, 2024
Outcome: $125,000 Settlement
Description: Client, who was a passenger in a vehicle being operated by a relative, was injured as a result of another driver turning in front of Client's relative's vehicle. After an intensive investigation, our office determined that both Client's relative and the other vehicle were equally at fault for the accident. As a result, our office pursued compensation from both insurance companies. After further thorough negotiations, our office obtained the maximum allowable by law from Client's relative's insurance company and the turning vehicle's insurance company to adequately compensation Client for her medical bills and pain and suffering.
DUI Drug and DUI Alcohol
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Mar 29, 2024
Outcome: Not Guilty (Alcohol and Drugs)
Description: Client was arrested for DUI of alcohol and DUI of cannabis after being found slumped behind the wheel on a bust roadway. A search of the vehicle lead to the discovery of cannabis and several open alcohol bottles. At trial, successfully argued that the arresting officer did not possess the necessary qualifications to believe that Client was under the influence of cannabis and that the DUI of alcohol charge was not supported by the evidence. The Court agreed with both arguments and found Client not guilty of both DUI charges.
Out-of-State DUI
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Mar 28, 2024
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client, who was temporarily in Illinois for employment purposes, was arrested and charged with DUI after police observed a possible drag racing situation. The arresting officer testified that he allowed Client to move his vehicle even after he determined possible impairment. At trial, we argued that this alone creates doubt in the case. The Court ultimately agreed and found Client not guilty of DUI.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Mar 18, 2024
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client, an out-of-state CDL holder was arrested and charged with DUI after police observed client drive into oncoming lanes of traffic and swerve into a bicycle lane. The officer testified that Client's speech was slurred and Client had a strong odor of alcohol. At trial, successfully argued to the Court that the officer's observations did not constitute sufficient evidence to convict. Ultimately, the Court agreed and found Client not guilty, this preserving Client's CDL.
Six-Figure Liability/Underinsured Motorist Settlement
Practice Area: Personal injury
Date: Feb 09, 2024
Outcome: $150,000 Settlement
Description: Client, a passenger in their sister's vehicle, was involved in a significant accident after the vehicle jumped a curb and came to a rest upside down. Client's medical bills exceeded $50,000 but Client's sister only had auto insurance in the amount half of this. After significant and through investigations, or office found an applicable Underinsured Bodily Injury policy through Client's resident relative clause. Based on the newly discovered policy, our office was able to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for Client's past and future medical care.
DUI Charge and Suspension Dismissal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Feb 01, 2024
Outcome: DUI Suspension Lifted/DUI Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested after being stopped by law enforcement for speeding 35 MPH over the speed limit and admitting to consuming 5 beers shortly before the traffic stop, while also failing field sobriety testing. In addition, Client was facing a 12 month suspension of their driving privileges. On the second Court date, we successfully persuaded the Court that there was no probable cause for Client to be arrested. The Court agreed and lifted Client's suspension and found Client not guilty of DUI.
CDL Speeding 100 MPH with Multiple Moving Violations
Practice Area: Speeding and traffic ticket
Date: Jan 10, 2024
Outcome: Charges Reduced/Dismissed
Description: Client, a CDL holder and owner/operator, was cited by State Police for speeding over 100 MPH on a highway, Improper Lane Usage, Following too Closely and Failure to Signal when required. Based on Client's prior driving history, a finding of guilty on any of the offense would lead to a disqualification of his CDL and inability to support his family. After intensive and thorough negotiations with prosecutors, we were able to successfully have the speeding citation reduced and obtained a dismissal on all other violations, thus saving Client's CDL from disqualification.
DUI Over .08 Dismissal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Dec 06, 2023
Outcome: All Charges Dismissed
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI after submitting to a breath test revealing a BAC of over .08. Our office appeared in Court after requesting materials from the prosecution over the course of numerous months. Based on the lack of the prosecution's compliance with the request, our office filed a Motion for Sanctions requesting a dismissal of the case, which the Court granted. All charges against Client were dismissed as a result.
DUI Statutory Summary Suspension
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Sep 11, 2023
Outcome: Suspension Removed
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI and facing a one year driver's license suspension for refusing to submit to testing. On the first court date, we successfully argued that the arresting officer did not properly complete the necessary paperwork after the arrest. The Court agreed and as a result, the one year suspension was removed.
Third DUI with Minor in Vehicle and Hit-and-Run
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Aug 30, 2023
Outcome: Dismissal
Description: Client was arrested and charged with their third DUI in the past year-and-a-half after being involved in a hit-and-run accident while having their minor child in the vehicle and discovery of open alcohol in the vehicle. Client was facing a revocation of their license and the possibility of six months in jail due to having a minor in the vehicle at the time. After many months, we filed a Motion for Sanctions alleging that the prosecutors violated certain rights of the Client by failing to disclose necessary evidence. Based on the Motion, the Court dismissed the charges against Client.
DUI after Accident
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jun 13, 2023
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI after being involved in a single car accident and admitting to consuming alcohol. The State attempted to prove that Client was guilty of DUI because of their demeanor with law enforcement. At trial, successfully persuaded the Court that Client's behavior and demeanor were a result of a prior traumatic experience and cannot be used to prove alcohol intoxication. The Court agreed and found Client Not Guilty of DUI.
Criminal Damage to Property
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: May 23, 2023
Outcome: Case Dismissed
Description: Client was caught on video removing and damaging property of a neighbor without their permission, leading to a charge of Criminal Damage to Property. After intense and thorough negotiations, successfully persuaded the prosecution to dismiss the charge in exchange for a small amount of restitution, allowing Client to avoid a conviction on their background.
Resisting/Obstructing a Peace Officer
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: May 22, 2023
Outcome: Case Dismissed
Description: Client was inside a residence when SWAT team members executed a search warrant to discover firearms and weapons. Client did not immediately comply with SWAT officers' orders to exit the home and was subsequently charged with Resisting/Obstructing a Peace Officer, a non-expungable offense. Successfully persuaded prosecutors to dismiss the charges as they were unfounded in legal principles.
Summary Suspension DUI
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: May 18, 2023
Outcome: Suspension Rescinded
Description: Client was facing a three year suspension after being arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and refusing to submit to breath testing as required under Illinois law. On Client's first court appearance, we showed the judge that Client's constitutional rights were infringed upon, leading to the judge agreeing to lift the suspension before it even started.
DUI Dismissal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Apr 17, 2023
Outcome: Dismissal
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI, aggravated speeding and numerous other traffic offenses in Will County after failing sobriety tests and submitting to a breath test over .08. Our office prepared and set the case for trial based on our confidence that our office can persuade the Court that we can show our client was not guilty. Due to the arresting officer's failure to appear at trial, our office persuaded the Court to dismiss the case leading to a not guilty on all charges.
Full Limit Settlement
Practice Area: Personal injury
Date: Apr 07, 2023
Outcome: Policy Limit Settlement
Description: Client was struck by a vehicle while making deliveries in his own work truck. Client did not go to a hospital after the accident, but was ultimately diagnosed with serious injuries. The insurance company initially refused to pay out the full amount Client should have been due to Client not having been transported by an ambulance nor having gone to an emergency room. However, after much negotiations with the insurance company, our office persuaded the insurance company to pay the maximum amount allowed by law, all within only a handful of months.
No License Case Dismissed
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: Mar 01, 2023
Outcome: All Charges Dismissed
Description: Client, a professional with zero criminal history, was arrested for speeding and driving on a suspended/revoked license, a Class A criminal offense. After consulting with Client as to best prepare for our defense, the Court dismissed Client's suspended/revoked license charge and speeding charge, allowing Client to avoid any future suspension of their driver's license and to maintain their clean criminal history and professional certifications/licenses in Illinois.
Suspension Removed
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Feb 28, 2023
Outcome: DUI Suspension Removed
Description: Client was arrested for DUI after being found asleep being the wheel. On the first court date, successfully persuaded the judge that the prosecutors violated Client's Due Process regarding their license suspension as a result of the arrest. The prosecution and court both agreed and removed Client's suspension.
Class X Child Pornography
Practice Area: Criminal Defense
Date: Feb 01, 2023
Outcome: Probation
Description: Client was arrested and charged with various offenses related to possession and dissemination of child pornography, requiring mandatory a mandatory prison term and lifetime sex offender registration. After intense and thorough negotiations, was able to obtain for client probation with no registration requirements.
Chicago DUI Suspension
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 27, 2023
Outcome: Motion Granted, Suspension Lifted
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI in Chicago after being involved in an auto accident. Client was served with notice of a one-year Summary Suspension. We filed a Motion to Dismiss the Summary Suspension arguing that the arresting officer committed a fatal flaw in their paperwork. The Court agreed and lifted Client's one-year suspension.
Combined Alcohol/Drug DUI
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 06, 2023
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested and charged with their fourth DUI in 5 years after being charged with being under the combined influence of alcohol and drugs. At trial, successfully argued that the charge was improper and the State could not prove that any drugs were involved. As a result, the Court agreed and found Client not guilty.
Felony DUI Acquittal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Dec 13, 2022
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested and charged with their 3rd DUI, a Class 2 Felony, subjecting Client to up to 7 years in prison after being involved in an accident. At trial, established successfully that the State was not able to prove their case, leading to an acquittal.
DUI License Suspension Lifted
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Dec 02, 2022
Outcome: Suspension Removed
Description: Client was arrested and charged with DUI and given a Statutory Summary Suspension for one year. In Court, successfully persuaded the Court that the State violated an evidence disclosure rule, leading to the suspension being lifted.
Domestic Battery Not Guilty
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: Nov 23, 2022
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Client was arrested and charged with Domestic Battery for striking their adult child at a medical facility. At trial, successfully persuaded the Court that Client was defending another family member from their adult child. The Court agreed and found Client Not Guilty.
Second DUI Dismissal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Nov 22, 2022
Outcome: Dismissal of DUI Charge
Description: Client was arrested and charged with his second DUI after witnesses claimed that they ran a red light, striking another vehicle. Because our office prepared for trial and requested one immediately, prosecutors we're not able to produce their witnesses to prove their case. Successfully argued that any further delay would violate Client's constitutional rights, which the judge agreed with and ordered a dismissal of all charges.
3rd DUI Arrest
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Oct 07, 2022
Outcome: Not Guilty
Description: Our Client was arrested and charged with their third DUI after rear-ending another vehicle and admitting to police that they had consumed numerous drinks. At trial, successfully persuaded the Court that the officer's observations and opinion that Client was under the influence of alcohol were not adequate in proving that Client was under the influence.
Domestic Battery Dismissal
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: Sep 29, 2022
Outcome: Charges Dismissed
Description: Client was arrested and charged with Domestic Battery as a result of a fight with their partner. After setting the matter for trial, argued that my client's rights to a trial supersede the prosecution's right for a continuance. The Court agreed and dismissed all charges as a result.
DUI Dismissal
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Sep 15, 2022
Outcome: DUI Dismissal
Description: Our office has been ready for trial for Client's DUI trial on three previous Court dates. On most recent date, out office answered reedy and the prosecution made an error and was not prepared. Based on this, our office successfully requested the Court to throw out all charges against Client.