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How Does Winter Weather Contribute to Pedestrian Accidents?
It is no secret that poor weather conditions contribute to car and truck accidents, but snowy conditions also affect pedestrian accidents. Illinois is famous for hard winters, so after the snow falls, everyone on the road and sidewalks should be more mindful. Pedestrian accidents continue to rise, and during the winter, conditions become more dangerous.
How Many Pedestrian Accidents Happen Year-Round?
Everyone is a pedestrian at some point, even if a car is their main form of transportation. A pedestrian is anyone outside of a vehicle that moves near traffic. In 2018, 6,283 people died in pedestrian accidents, which is the highest amount since 1990. The year prior it was estimated that a person died every 88 seconds as a result of traffic accidents.
In normal clear weather, pedestrians fall victim to distracted, drunk, or reckless drivers. With lowered vision and slippery streets, driver mistakes become that much more dangerous for pedestrians. A distracted driver will have less time to react to seeing a pedestrian in the street if the visibility is low. If they do see the pedestrian, they will also have a lower chance of stopping in time. A car can easily slip forward on slush or ice, even if the driver slams on the breaks. Drivers sometimes tend to operate their car as they normally would in safe conditions. Speeding and other reckless actions are even more dangerous in the snow. When conditions are poor, drivers should slow down and have their complete focus on the road.
Serious weather conditions themselves decrease visibility, but snow and the cold decrease visibility for pedestrians as well. When walking, a pedestrian may have their head down to prevent getting snow in their face. Wearing many layers such as hats and scarves may decrease a pedestrian’s field of vision. A pedestrian may look both ways and attempt to cross the road, but if a car was speeding or ran through a stop sign, they might not see them until it is too late. Sidewalks and roads can be dangerous when poorly maintained. A person can slip on ice and fall into traffic, or slip while safely crossing and be hit by a driver who did not see them.
Contact an Orland Park Pedestrian Accident Attorney
Winter weather can make getting places more dangerous when people do not take into account poor road conditions. If you have been hit by a car during any time of year, contact an experienced Orland Park pedestrian accident attorney today. Our office can look at the conditions of your accident and determine if you are eligible for compensation for your pain and suffering. Set up a free consultation by calling our office at 708-966-2408.