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reviewsHow Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Uncategorized

Illinois accident attorney, Illinois personal injury lawyer, Illinois car crash lawyer,In today’s society, social media has made it easy for anyone that has internet access to find out personal information with just a few clicks of a mouse. Once you post, comment, or send something on any social platform, it is out there for the world to see. Most of the time, the only people that are paying close attention to what you share online are your friends and family. However, there may come a time when you choose to share important information about a personal injury case and the wrong person sees it and makes comments that can affect the outcome of your case.

The Evolution of Social Networks

Over the last decade, a lot of changes have happened regarding social networks. They have created policies and procedures that are made to validate certain comments and disclose confidential information. If necessary, in court, the judge may rule that a claimant or plaintiff must disclose their social media login information if a specific request is made. Because of this, most social channels have created methods for people to download their full profile history. According to the Snapchat transparency report, between the dates of November 1, 2014, and February 28, 2015, the company received 375 requests for data on 666 user accounts in the United States. This just further shows that publishing this type of personal information on social media does not offer much help to a claim.

Social Media Postings

Some judges are requiring victims to share photos and posts from their social media, so do not put anything on your social that you would not say on the witness stand. The following tips may be helpful to follow:

  • Make sure that you have a complete understanding of what your social media profile says about you.
  • Modify your privacy settings.
  • Do not post about your case on social networks.
  • Remember that posts, images, and check-ins can be used against you.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a personal injury case that was amplified by social media, contact one of our experienced Orland Park car accident attorney immediately. We will provide you with the assistance that you need when dealing with all of the issues surrounding your damaged vehicle, personal injury or liability insurance coverage. For more information call Issa Law, LLC at 708-966-2408 today for your free consultation.

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