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Safety Tips for Cyclists
Spring has officially arrived and that means more outdoor activity for Illinois residents. One of the most popular outdoor activities is bicycling, both for pleasure and fitness. Many cyclists also use their bikes as a primary vehicle for getting around in the warm weather months. And although bike riding offers many health and pleasure benefits, it can also be dangerous trying to maneuver around busy city streets and suburban roads which are often populated with distracted and impatient vehicle drivers.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 736 people killed while riding bicycles last year, an increase from 2015 when 726 people were killed. Another 44,000 bicyclists were injured. The average age of cyclists killed is 45-years-old, and 88 percent of victims were male. Not surprisingly, more than 70 percent of fatal crashes occurred in urban areas
How Can Cyclists Stay Safe?
If you are one of the millions of people across the country who enjoy bike riding, it is important to take the following steps in order to decrease your risk of being injured in a bike accident:
- Try to avoid riding at night. If you do have to travel on a bike at night, make sure to wear reflective and brightly colored clothing.
- Before taking off on the bike, check to make sure all tires are inflated properly, reflectors are not damaged, brakes are working, and seat height is positioned correctly.
- Make sure to follow all traffic rules, just as if you were driving a motor vehicle. This includes using hand signals when turning and obeying all traffic lights and street signs;
- Keep hold of your handlebars with at least one hand at all times;
- If you need to cross a street, do so at a pedestrian crosswalk;
- Do not weave in and out of traffic. Drive your bike in a straight line;
- Watch for parked cars. Many bike accidents occur when an occupant of a parked motor vehicle suddenly opens the vehicle door without looking; and
- Do not wear headsets to listen to music or use your cell phone. It is critical for cyclists to hear oncoming traffic or a vehicle horn warning them.
Contact an Orland Park Bicycle Accident Attorney
Unfortunately, no matter how many safety habits you may practice while riding your bike, there is always the risk that a vehicle driver will not be paying attention and crash into you.
If you have been injured in a bike accident, contact a skilled Orland Park bicycle accident attorney who will be able to discuss what legal options you may have against the at-fault driver. Call Khaled Issa, P. C., Attorney at Law, at 708-966-2408 today for your free consultation.