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New Illinois Bike Law Effective Early 2017
There have been specific laws put into place to help protect bicyclists while they are riding alongside other moving vehicles on the road over the years in the state of Illinois. Â Although Chicago has the reputation of being a bike-friendly state, accidents may still occur regularly which is why bike laws are important to be aware of. As recent as 2014, Illinois was among the top states for bicyclist fatalities. Statics like these have led to changes in the bike-related laws.
Earlier this year a law was signed in and will officially take effect January 1, 2017, in response to the number of bicycle-related injuries and deaths in the state of Illinois. House Bill 5912 went through a series of actions and was filed February 11th, 2016, followed by signature into law on August 12th by Governor Bruce Rauner. Before this law goes into effect, there are details that drivers in Illinois may choose to be aware of.
Yielding the Right-Of-WayThe short description of the law that will begin early next year is bicycles now have the right of way when driving on the road with other drivers. Although there are changes to the way drivers must treat bike drivers, when riding your bicycle on Illinois roadways, you still must obey the same traffic laws, signs, and signals that apply to motorists and cars. In the simplest terms, the right of way means that one person has the right to go ahead of another and that cyclists shall be granted all the rights of vehicle drivers.
Traffic Signals and SignsJust like driving in your car, when riding a bike, you must abide by the same traffic laws such as stopping at a red light. The same goes for using directions and arrows. Like a turn signal in a car, a bicyclist must indicate which way they are turning so that those accompanying them on the road are aware of which way the are going.
Contacting a Personal Injury LawyerWith the new bicycle law going into effect January 1, 2017, it is important to remember the rules of the road if you or someone you know is involved in a bike accident. Contact an experienced Orland park personal injury attorney to find out how the new law will affect you and about the personal injury compensation you may be entitled to for your pain and loss. Call Issa Law, LLC at 708-966-2408 today for your free consultation.