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Illinois Number Four Nationwide in Dog Bite Insurance Claims
We Americans love our dogs. In fact, statistics say that more than half of all U.S. homes have at least one dog, and currently there are between 70 and 80 million dogs in this country. But as much as we love our dogs, there are numerous incidents that result in a person becoming the victim of a dog bite. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) puts the number of people who are bitten by dogs every year at over 8 million. Approximately 890,000 of those victims require medical treatment, and more than half of those victims are children.
And it is not just dog bites that require medical attention. People can also become injured if a dog jumps on them, or knocks them down. This can be especially dangerous to elderly victims and children.
A recent study conducted by the Insurance Information Institute (III) reveals that one-third of the total amount of homeowner insurance claim dollars which were paid in 2014 were for paid to victims who had been injured by a dog. The total amount paid to these victims was over $530 million. The study found that although the number of claims decreased from the year before, the average cost per claim increased.
The state of Illinois came in at number four out of all 50 states in claims and cost. There were 872 claims filed by victims who had been injured by a homeowner’s dog. The average cost of each claim was $34,894 and the total amount paid out to Illinois victims was $30.4 million.
Most states, including Illinois, have a dog bite statute, which makes an animal’s owner liable for any injuries inflicted by that animal, whether the owner was negligent or not. A victim may have a negligence claim if it can be proven that the dog owner was in fact negligent and that action caused the victim to receive the injuries. A dog-bite victim may also be suffering from emotional distress, in addition to their physical injuries, and may have a legal claim against the dog owner for that as well.
If you have been the victim of a dog-bite or attack, contact an experienced Orland Park personal injury attorney to find out what legal recourse you may have for you pain and loss.