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Distracted Driving
In recent years, technology has become a larger and larger part of our everyday lives. With this increase come many benefits, as well as consequences. One of these consequences is the number of car accidents caused by drivers using cell phones behind the wheel. According to the Illinois State Police, using a cell phone while driving can increase your chances of getting into an accident by a whopping 400%.
Beginning January 1st of next year, Illinois drivers will face a $75 fine if they are caught using a cellphone without a hands-free device behind the wheel. Gov. Pat Quinn believes that this new law will dramatically decrease the number of deaths and injuries caused by distracted driving accidents each year. Illinois will be the 12th state to prohibit using hand-held cellphones while driving.
There are various strategies you can use to avoid distracted driving. Some of these can include pulling over to a safe place, not touching any dials (for the radio, air conditioning, etc.), not multi-tasking while driving, pulling over to care for children, and stopping to eat or drink. All of these are situations that can, and frequently do, lead to accidents.
The statistics surrounding distracted driving are very startling. A 2006 study by the University of Utah revealed that “the impairments associated with just talking on a cell phone can be as profound as those with driving while intoxicated. Each year, around 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries are caused by drivers using cell phones behind the wheel, according to Human Factors and Economic Safety Research.
Although there has been an increase in the number of people pushing laws to prohibit distracted driving, it is still very common. If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto accident caused by the other driver using a cellphone behind the wheel or just plain not paying attention, be sure to contact a dedicated Illinois personal injury attorney.