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Deadly Crash Results in Multiple DUI Charges for Driver
As reported on the My Suburban Life website, 32-year-old Daniel Clark is facing aggravated DUI charges following an accident that killed 42-year-old Frank Caruso and injured a police officer. The crash happened early on the morning of Saturday, February 11th, when Clark hit a parked police car on the Eisenhower Expressway. Mr. Caruso and a state trooper were inside warming up after the trooper responded to a minor accident that Caruso had previously been involved in. The police officer suffered a potential concussion, but is expected to undergo a full recovery. One additional person was taken to the hospital following the accident but their status is unknown. Mr. Clark was charged with two separate counts of driving under the influence of alcohol, one including the “causing death” clause. As of the next day, he was being held at a DuPage County jail on $1 million bond. As explained in the 2012 DUI Fact Book, in Illinois, any felony DUI charge is classified as an “aggravated DUI.” This includes (but isn’t limited to) a drunk driving charge that is obtained by someone without a valid driver’s license or while driving a school bus. DUIs that result in accidents causing great body harm or death are also classified as aggravated DUI charges in Illinois, as are an individual’s third drunk driving charge (or any subsequent.)
If you’re convicted of an aggravated DUI in Chicago, you could see penalties including significant fines and/or prison time. It’s necessary to hire a qualified Orland Park DUI attorney such as Khaled Issa to represent you. Click here to contact Chicago criminal defense lawyer James Payonk for a no-obligation consultation.