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The Dangers of Dog Bites
Dogs can provide comfort as pets, and some have additional professional duties such as being a service animal for a disabled person. It is easy to forget that dogs are animals with their thoughts and feelings, and that is when dog bites happen. The average dog can exert 269 pounds of pressure with a single bite, so when a dog is provoked, the physical damage can be serious.
Children are especially susceptible to dog bites. A young child may not be aware of the warning a dog gives off, and may not understand personal boundaries. Because children are smaller, an injury from a dog can be more severe, and they are at a higher risk of infection. Children should always be supervised with animals, even ones they are familiar with. Half of all dog bites occur from a familiar dog or family pet.
Why Are Dog Bites Dangerous?
Like any external wound, a dog has the chance to get infected. However, due to the force of a bite and bacteria in a dog’s mouth, most dog bites that break the skin do get infected. This can include Staphylococcus or Pasteurella, which require antibiotic treatment. These bacteria may not affect the dog but are present in their saliva. Dog bites can get bacteria as deep as muscle and bone layers, on top of the already physical damage. After a dog bite, the most important step is to clean the wound for this reason.
After a dog bite, it is important to find out from the owner if the dog has updated shots and vaccinations. Rabies is transmitted through bites and saliva of an infected animal. Not every dog that is aggressive has rabies, but Rabies does raise aggression in an animal, which raises the risk of a bite. Two to three people die from Rabies each year in the United States. Symptoms in humans are similar to flu symptoms, so knowing if an animal could have Rabies is vital in the treatment after a dog bite.
Because dogs have round and long teeth, a bite can be bone-deep. This can cause permanent damage to muscle and nerve tissues as well as blood vessels. Such damage can cause paralyzation or otherwise irreversible damage that affects a person's quality of life. After a deep wound, scarring can occur as well which can be unsightly, and a reminder of trauma.
Contact an Orland Park Dog Bite Attorney
Over one million people visit the hospital a year due to dog bites. If you have been attacked by a dog, and are suffering due to the owner’s negligence, contact an experienced Orlando Park dog bite attorney today to discuss options for compensation. Set up a free consultation by calling our office at 708-966-2408.