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CDC Offers Several Mobile Apps to Help Public Stay Safe and Healthy
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the federal agency that is in charge of health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities. As the U.S. public health institute, the goal of the CDC is to improve the overall health of everyone in the country. With more and more of American society relying on smartphone apps as a way to garner information - including important health information - the agency has developed several apps which can assist people in avoiding injury and illness.
The CDC Mobile App is the agency website’s companion app. It provides safety updates, as well as many important health articles, health tips, and medical journals. The app also features the “Disease of the Week.”
If you are a frequent traveler, then the CDC’s Can I Eat This? mobile app could be one of the most important thing to take along on your trip. The app allows you to select the country you have traveled to and then enter information about the food you are considering eating. The app will tell you how safe the food is and help avoid illnesses like "Montezuma’s Revenge" and travelers’ diarrhea.
An important app to utilize during the winter months is FluView. This mobile app allows you to see what areas of the country are being hit hardest by influenza outbreaks, as well as access state health departments for their statistics. The CDC reports that this app receives 30 million visits per year.
With over 75 percent of the nation’s health care dollars going to chronic disease treatment, the Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) Journal app provides the latest news and research to help prevent chronic diseases. The journal provides information on heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases.
The Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) app provides information on fatal and nonfatal injuries in this country. The app also focuses on several preventable public health issues including violence against children and youth, motor vehicle-related injuries, traumatic brain injuries and prescription drug overdoses.
The CDC also has two apps that are provided for fun and entertainment. Solve the Outbreak turns you into a disease detective as you discover what actual scientists do in order to stop real outbreaks. The Health-e-Cards mobile app offers more than 100 e-cards for free that you can send to family and friends. There is a number of health topics covered in the cards.
Despite our best efforts to stay healthy and safe, many people are injured in accidents which are caused by another person’s negligence, whether by a medical practitioner, a motor vehicle driver, or someone else who caused the events that resulted in the injuries. If you have been injured, contact an experienced Orland Park personal injury attorney today to find out what legal recourse you may have against the other party.