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Bizarre High End Wreck
The scene in a Chicago, Illinois parking garage looked like something out of a bizarre comedy on Friday, June 22 when Mari Moreria of Spanish radio station 107.9 La Ley returned to her vehicle.
Perched on top of her Mercedes Benz and the Jaguar next to it was a rented BMW. Apparently when attempting to return the rented vehicle to the Enterprise rental car office, the driver accidentally hit the gas instead of the brakes, driving through a guardrail on the level above. CBS-2 news writer Vicky Baftiri witnessed the accident.
“All of a sudden, boom, this huge crash,” Baftiri stated. “I was really afraid for my life, because that car nearly hit me.”
While the Mercedes survived in damaged but drivable condition, the Jaguar took the brunt of the collision and wasn’t so lucky. Needless to say Sylvia Kappos, the owner of the Jaguar, was not too happy when she returned from her shopping trip to find the bizarre scene.
The driver had rented the BMW for business. He was given a citation for driving too fast for present conditions.
Negligence or driver error is the claim made by the majority of car accident litigation cases filed in the U.S. In fact, a comprehensive study found that human error was a contributing factor in over 90% and the sole cause in 57% of all auto accidents. Drivers can easily become distracted, particularly in poor visibility environments (such as an underground parking garage), or when the driver is fatigued.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of a car accident caused by a careless driver, contact Khaled Issa today. Khaled Issa has over 10 years of experience in representing clients involved in auto accidents. You can be sure that he is a highly qualified car accident attorney and will work diligently to get you the compensation you deserve.